Tag Archives: love

Responding In Love

Bible Beaters showed up on campus and were proclaiming a gospel of hate. See post for more.

Today two men stood on soap boxes in the middle of campus, and shouted hate at the students of Colorado Mesa University.  They professed to be Christians, and shouted ‘their gospel’ at the crowds.  While shouting that we are all sinners, which is true, they never got to the heart of the real gospel, Jesus Christ and his redeeming, undying, unlimited, unconditional, and self sacrificing love for all.  In the middle of their condemnation of homosexuals, Catholics, sinners, and Christians was a gospel of hate.  When we as Christians lose focus on the fact that God is love, and he loves us so much that he allowed the death of his son for our redemption we lose the gospel entirely.

Hate speech like this is why people reject Christianity, and the gospel.  Hate like this results in false gospel, and an anti Christ lifestyle.  The crusades, September 11th, racial discrimination, and so many more issues arise because of hate, and a perverted gospel.

We at CMU FCA want you to know that this is not the true gospel of Jesus Christ.  Hate is not why He died for you.  Christ died to save us from out sin, and not for us to condem each other.  No matter what you have done.  No matter where you have come from.  No matter who you are.  God loves you passionately, and is calling you unto himself.  God is love, and we are called to love one another because he first loved us.  While we were in our sin he loved us.  And we want you to know that real Christians will love you no matter who you are.

While hearing these mean screaming at the it was hard to love, and easy to hate them.  Yet, we are called to love those men.  When God said that we are called to love each other, He did not mean to love just the easy ones.  God loves us unconditionally, and we should love others unconditionally.  Yelling back at these men may feel good in the moment, but it is not what we are called to do.

1 Corinthians 13:1

The Way of Love

” If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.”

In all we do it must be in love.  If there is no love in our speech, then we are just an annoying noise in God’s ear.

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