Thanks Coach

What’s your typical view of a president or CEO of a company?  I could be wrong, but I haven’t heard much about the CEO or President meeting with employees under them.  I will admit, I’ve had a judgmental opinion about  CEO’s.  The way the media puts it, the news, and in movies , a lot of those men and women up there are invisible.  You don’t get to meet them or talk to them.  You go through someone else to do it.  I’m not saying that any of this is a bad thing, but wouldn’t it be great if you knew the character of one of the main people you were working for?  Wouldn’t it be great if he called you on your birthday, or anniversary?  How about texting you to meet for coffee?  Ya.  Right.  Well that’s exactly what I thought before this past weekend.

Coach Steckel (left), and Sports Ministry Institute Students at an FCA Colorado Event.

My husband and I had the privilege of attending a dinner with the president of FCA, Mr. Les Steckel.  There were other FCA Colorado staff members there, but he took time to speak with us and many others.  I’m going to tell you a little bit about Mr. Steckel.

Les Steckel was head coach of the Minnesota Vikings in 1984.  He also worked as an assistant coach with the San Francisco 49ers, New England Patriots, Denver Broncos, Tennessee Titans, Buffalo Bills, and Tampa Bay Buccaneers.  He also enlisted in the Marines and served in Vietnam as infantry. He recently retired from USMC Reserves after thirty years of service with the rank of Colonel.  Wow.  Talk about an honorable guy. Can you imagine being married, having a family, in the Marine Corps, and coaching?  I can’t.  I’ve heard that coaching is one of the biggest time commitments as it is. Les shares that most men get their identities from their jobs.   “Les faced hardship when he was fired on eight different occasions.   Les says that every time he got fired it was painful, and it didn’t get easier, but he persevered.  He learned to get his identity from Christ and knowing that God has the future in store. He says football doesn’t build character, it reveals it. On March 1, 2005, Les became the seventh president/CEO of the FCA.  His extensive involvement with FCA dates back to 1972 when, as a college football coach, he attended his first FCA conference.   In the 30-plus years since, Steckel has served as a huddle leader, platform speaker, camp dean and football clinician at various FCA camps across the nation.  He led Bible studies throughout his NFL career and served regularly as a guest speaker for FCA events.  Les feels he’s on a tremendous team with FCA.” (

Coach Steckel didn’t get up in front of all of us and boast about all he’s done.  He talked about the privilege it has been for him to be involved in FCA.  A humble man, yet strong.  He shared some stories during his coaching years, and even talked about his time being President for FCA. He reminded all of us who we were working for.  He reminded us who our real CEO/President was.  He reminded all of us to work for the Lord, not for man.  “Whatever you do work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for man, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.  It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Colossians 3:23

In any sport we are involved in we measure it by wins or losses.  Coach Steckel reminded us “we are in the game of life and death”.  There are students who are dying inside every day.  We who are ambassadors for Christ have a call to reach out to them and show them the the eternal life they can have with Jesus Christ.  We don’t do this by yelling in their face, or beating the Bible over their head, we do this through,with, and in love.  Coach Steckel reminded all of us “If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all.” Mark 9:35.  A good President will remind you who you are working for, and demonstrate it through his character and actions.  Thanks for the reminder Coach.

Whether you’re the CEO, captain, secretary, administrator, rookie, quarterback, 2nd string, or underdog you can make a difference…all you have to do is step out and make a play.

~Sharing the Victory is FCA’s magazine that is published monthly.  They also have podcasts.  Here is this past weeks podcast with Coach Steckel, Tim Tebow, and Coach Bowden. 

Sharing the Victory Podcast featuring Tim Tebow, Bobby Bowden, and Les Steckel

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